# $Header: /home/wschlich/.mcabberrc,v 1.2 2006/12/17 13:21:36 wschlich Exp wschlich $ ## ## server and connection settings ## set username = johndoe set password = "$3(r37" set server = jabber.example.com set port = 5223 set ssl = 1 set ssl_verify = -1 #set ssl_cafile = /usr/share/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt set ssl_capath = /etc/ssl/certs #set ssl_ciphers = set resource = home set priority = 3 set nickname = JohnDoe set pinginterval = 30 ## ## PGP settings ## set pgp = 0 set pgp_private_key = "01234567890ABCDE" #set pgp_passphrase = "doesnotworkwithgpgagent" set pgp_passphrase_retries = 2 ## PGP contacts #pgp disable foo@bar.org #pgp setkey bar@foo.net C9940A9BB0B92210 #pgp +force foo@bar.org #pgp -force foo@bar.org ## ## OTR (Off-The-Record) settings ## set otr = 1 set otr_dir = ~/.mcabber/otr otrpolicy default manual #otrpolicy default opportunistic #otrpolicy myfriend@jabber.org always #otrpolicy nofriend@jabber.org plain ## ## proxy settings ## #set proxy_host = "proxy-hostname" #set proxy_port = 3128 #set proxy_user = "username" #set proxy_pass = "password" ## ## message/conference logging ## set logging = 1 set load_logs = 1 set logging_dir = ~/.mcabber/history set logging_ignore_status = 1 set log_muc_conf = 1 set load_muc_logs = 1 set max_history_age = 0 set max_history_blocks = 0 ## ## trace log ## set tracelog_level = 0 #set tracelog_level = 1 #set tracelog_level = 2 set tracelog_file = ~/.mcabber/tracelog ## ## event processing ## #set events_command = ~/.mcabber/event.sh #set events_ignore_active_window = 0 #set eventcmd_checkstatus = 1 #set event_log_files = 1 #set event_log_dir = ~/.mcabber/event.d ## ## interface settings ## set lang = en set cmdhistory_lines = 1000 set autoaway = 300 set block_unsubscribed = 0 set delete_on_reject = 0 set muc_auto_whois = 1 set iq_version_hide_os = 1 set beep_on_message = 1 set log_display_sender = 1 set log_win_height = 10 set log_win_on_top = 0 set roster_width = 32 set roster_win_on_right = 0 set roster_display_filter = ofdna set buddy_format = 2 set buddy_me_fulljid = 0 set show_status_in_buffer = 1 set time_prefix = 0 set disable_chatstates = 0 ## ## aspell settings ## set aspell_enable = 1 set aspell_lang = en_EN #set aspell_encoding = iso8859-1 set aspell_encoding = UTF-8 ## ## interface colors ## set color_background = black set color_general = brightcyan set color_msgin = brightcyan set color_msgout = brightyellow set color_msghl = brightmagenta set color_bgstatus = blue set color_status = brightwhite set color_roster = brightwhite set color_bgrostersel = red set color_rostersel = brightwhite set color_rosterselmsg = brightyellow set color_rosternewmsg = brightyellow color roster * * white color roster f * brightblue color roster o * brightgreen color roster a * brightcyan color roster n * brightred color roster d * brightmagenta color roster _ * brightblack #color roster adn *@jabber.org yellow #color roster foand_ myfriend@jabber.org brightgreen set nick_colors = red green blue color muc * on #color mucnick myfriend yellow ## ## status messages ## #set message = Unique message status for all states set message_avail = This page was intentionally left blank. set message_free = Welcome to the Jerry Springer show! set message_dnd = Disturb`N`Die!!!111!11!1! set message_notavail = CAUTION: this sign has sharp edges. set message_away = .oO(?!) set message_autoaway = Gone with the wind ## ## command aliases ## alias me = say /me alias on = status online alias away = status away alias dnd = status dnd alias na = status notavail alias note = roster note alias s = roster search alias bb = buffer bottom alias bsb = buffer search_backward alias bsf = buffer search_forward alias names = room names alias pm = room privmsg alias jmc = room join mcabber@conf.lilotux.net alias jgc = room join guug@conference.guug.de alias time = request time alias vcard = request vcard alias idle = request last ## ## key bindings ## # [Ctrl + a]: *** default for 'jump to beginning of line' *** #bind 1 = iline iline_start # [Ctrl + b]: scroll to bottom of buffer bind 2 = buffer bottom # [Ctrl + c]: *** does not work *** #bind 3 = # [Ctrl + d]: leaves chat mode (closes chat window) bind 4 = chat_disable # [Ctrl + e]: *** default for 'jump to end of line' *** #bind 5 = iline iline_end # [Ctrl + f]: go up in roster bind 6 = roster up # [Ctrl + g]: go down in roster bind 7 = roster down # [Ctrl + h]: *** does not work *** #bind 8 = # [Ctrl + i]: *** does not work *** #bind 9 = # [Ctrl + j]: #bind 10 = # [Ctrl + k]: *** does not work *** #bind 11 = # [Ctrl + l]: *** default for 'refresh screen', do not use within mcabber or bind screen_refresh to another key *** #bind 12 = # [Ctrl + m]: *** does not work *** #bind 13 = # [Ctrl + n]: show current item's note bind 14 = roster note # [Ctrl + o]: *** equivalent to ENTER/RETURN *** #bind 15 = iline iline_accept # [Ctrl + p]: #bind 16 = # [Ctrl + q]: quits mcabber bind 17 = quit # [Ctrl + r]: toggle roster display bind 18 = roster toggle # [Ctrl + s]: toggle buffer scroll lock bind 19 = buffer scroll_toggle # [Ctrl + t]: scroll to top of buffer bind 20 = buffer top # [Ctrl + u]: *** default for 'delete from current position to beginnin of line', do not use within mcabber *** #bind 21 = # [Ctrl + v: request version from selected contact (or from all members of selected room) bind 22 = request version # [Ctrl + w]: #bind 23 = # [Ctrl + x]: accept input line bind 24 = iline iline_accept # [Ctrl + y]: #bind 25 = # [Ctrl + z]: #bind 26 = # [Esc]: leaves chat mode (closes chat window) bind 27 = chat_disable # [Ctrl + ^]: #bind 30 = # [Alt + N] on S2Putty: jump to first unread message bind 241 = roster unread_first # [F1]: show help bind 265 = help # [F2]: show conference room names bind 266 = room names # [F3]: #bind 267 = # [F4]: #bind 268 = # [F5]: toggle display of offline contacts bind 269 = roster toggle_offline # [F6]: reload mcabberrc bind 270 = source ~/.mcabber/mcabberrc # [F7]: #bind 271 = # [F8]: #bind 272 = # [F9]: #bind 273 = # [F10]: #bind 274 = # [F11]: #bind 275 = # [F12]: toggle roster bind 276 = roster toggle # [Ctrl + Up]: scroll up in the buffer (chat window) bind 521 = buffer up # [Ctrl + Dn]: scroll down in the buffer (chat window) bind 514 = buffer down # [Alt + PgUp]: jump to previous group bind MK3 = roster group_prev # [Alt + PgDn]: jump to next group bind MK4 = roster group_next # [Ctrl + Home]: jump to roster top bind MK9 = roster top # [Ctrl + End]: jump to roster bottom bind MK10 = roster bottom # [Ctrl + Alt + a]: *** does not work *** #bind M1 = # [Ctrl + Alt + b]: *** does not work *** #bind M2 = # [Ctrl + Alt + c]: #bind M3 = # [Ctrl + Alt + d]: #bind M4 = # [Ctrl + Alt + e]: #bind M5 = # [Ctrl + Alt + f]: #bind M6 = # [Ctrl + Alt + g]: #bind M7 = # [Esc + Dn] on S2Putty: jump to next group bind M258 = roster group_next # [Esc + Up] on S2Putty: jump to previous group bind M259 = roster group_prev # [Esc + Left] on S2Putty: jump to roster top bind M260 = roster top # [Esc + Right] on S2Putty: jump to roster bottom bind M261 = roster bottom # [Ctrl + Alt + h]: #bind M263 = # [Ctrl + Alt + i] or [Esc + Tab]: #bind M9 = # [Ctrl + Alt + j]: #bind M10 = # [Ctrl + Alt + k]: #bind M11 = # [Ctrl + Alt + l]: #bind M12 = # [Ctrl + Alt + m]: #bind M13 = # [Ctrl + Alt + n]: #bind M14 = # [Ctrl + Alt + o]: #bind M15 = # [Ctrl + Alt + p]: #bind M16 = # [Ctrl + Alt + q]: #bind M17 = # [Ctrl + Alt + r]: #bind M18 = # [Ctrl + Alt + s]: #bind M19 = # [Ctrl + Alt + t]: #bind M20 = # [Ctrl + Alt + u]: #bind M21 = # [Ctrl + Alt + v]: #bind M22 = # [Ctrl + Alt + w]: #bind M23 = # [Ctrl + Alt + x]: #bind M24 = # [Ctrl + Alt + y]: #bind M25 = # [Ctrl + Alt + z]: #bind M26 = # [Ctrl + Alt + Esc / Alt + Esc / Esc-Esc]: leaves chat mode (closes chat window) bind M27 = chat_disable # [Alt + , ]: #bind M44 = # [Alt + -]: #bind M45 = # [Alt + .]: #bind M46 = # [Esc + 0] on S2Putty: #bind M48 = # [Esc + 1] on S2Putty: #bind M49 = # [Esc + 2] on S2Putty: #bind M50 = # [Esc + 3] on S2Putty: #bind M51 = # [Esc + 4] on S2Putty: #bind M52 = # [Esc + 5] on S2Putty: toggle display of offline contacts bind M53 = roster toggle_offline # [Esc + 6] on S2Putty: reload mcabberrc bind M54 = source ~/.mcabber/mcabberrc # [Esc + 7] on S2Putty: #bind M55 = # [Esc + 8] on S2Putty: #bind M56 = # [Esc + 9] on S2Putty: #bind M57 = # [Alt + :]: #bind M58 = # [Alt + ;]: #bind M59 = # [Alt + A]: #bind M65 = # [Alt + B]: #bind M66 = # [Alt + C]: #bind M67 = # [Alt + D]: #bind M68 = # [Alt + E]: list pending events bind M69 = event list # [Alt + F]: #bind M70 = # [Alt + G]: #bind M71 = # [Alt + H]: #bind M72 = # [Alt + I]: #bind M73 = # [Alt + J]: #bind M74 = # [Alt + K]: #bind M75 = # [Alt + L]: refresh the mcabber screen bind M76 = screen_refresh # [Alt + M]: abort multiline mode bind M77 = msay abort # [Alt + N]: #bind M78 = # [Alt + O]: stop an OTR session bind M79 = otr stop # [Alt + P]: #bind M80 = # [Alt + Q]: #bind M81 = # [Alt + R]: #bind M82 = # [Alt + S]: #bind M83 = # [Alt + T]: #bind M84 = # [Alt + U]: #bind M85 = # [Alt + V]: show mcabber version bind M86 = version # [Alt + W]: #bind M87 = # [Alt + X]: #bind M88 = # [Alt + Y]: #bind M89 = # [Alt + Z]: #bind M90 = # [Alt + ^]: #bind M94 = # [Alt + _]: #bind M95 = # [Alt + a]: switch to previous contact bind M97 = roster alternate # [Alt + b]: #bind M98 = # [Alt + c]: #bind M99 = # [Alt + d]: #bind M100 = # [Alt + e]: #bind M101 = # [Alt + f]: jump to first unread message bind M102 = roster unread_first # [Alt + g]: toggle folding of currently selected group bind M103 = group toggle # [Alt + h]: #bind M104 = # [Alt + i]: display object info bind M105 = info # [Alt + j]: # [Esc + j] on S2Putty #bind M106 = # [Alt + k]: #bind M107 = # [Alt + l]: #bind M108 = # [Alt + m]: toggle multi-line mode (^D to send message) bind M109 = msay toggle_verbatim # [Alt + n]: next unread message bind M110 = roster unread_next # [Alt + o]: start an OTR session bind M111 = otr start # [Alt + p]: show PGP info for currently selected contact bind M112 = pgp info # [Alt + q]: #bind M113 = # [Alt + r]: #bind M114 = # [Alt + s]: #bind M115 = # [Alt + t]: #bind M116 = # [Alt + u]: #bind M117 = # [Alt + v]: #bind M118 = # [Alt + w]: #bind M119 = # [Alt + x]: switch to previously selected contact # [Esc + x] on S2Putty: see above bind M120 = roster alternate # [Alt + y]: #bind M122 = # [Alt + z]: #bind M122 =