PRINTER="hplj2300dn" # PRINTER="TO_FILE:/tmp/" # PRINT_COMMAND="lpr -P$PRINTER" PRINT_COMMAND="CUPS" # PENGUIN="on" # PENGUIN="/usr/share/muttprint/Gentoo.eps" PENGUIN="/usr/share/muttprint/BabyTuX.eps" XFACE="on" DUPLEX="off" # DUPLEX="printer" PAPERSAVE="off" SPEED="5" # - Latex (EC-Fonts) # - Latex-bright (CM-bright) # - Times # - Utopia # - Palatino # - Charter # - Bookman # - AvantGarde # - CentSchool # - Chancery # - Helvetica FONT="Helvetica" # - plain no rules # - border rule after the headers # - fbox simple box around the mailheaders # - shadowbox shadowbox around the header # - ovalbox box with rounded corners around the header (thin lines) # - Ovalbox same as "ovalbox" but thicker lines # - doublebox box with double lines around the header # - grey grey background behind the headers # - greybox same as "grey" but with a additional black box FRONTSTYLE="shadowbox" HEADRULE="on" FOOTRULE="on" PAPER="A4" REM_SIG="off" REM_QUOTE="off" PRINTED_HEADERS="Date_*From*_/To/_/Cc/_Newsgroups_*Subject*" DEBUG="off" FONTSIZE="10pt" WRAPMARGIN="80" CHARSET="auto" DATE="original"